Scoliosis, which is characterized by the curvature of the spine to the right or left, is a common orthopedic problem today. Due to the restriction of mobility and various symptoms of the disease, people may experience difficulties in their daily lives. The treatment of the disease with varying degree of curvature is planned according to this degree and symptoms. Spinal curvature, which has a very low probability of spontaneous recovery, can be treated with physical therapy, scoliosis exercises and surgical interventions.

Manual therapy, which is one of the oldest and classical applications of medicine, is a treatment method that has been applied for thousands of years and healed many people. Contrary to popular belief, this method is not a massage or alternative medicine method.

The posture of the person is observed from the front, side and back according to some test criteria, and the problematic area or areas are determined. After these observations, the person is evaluated with a computer-assisted device, and a photograph is taken when necessary. In addition, the possible problems of the patient during sitting and lying are also analyzed.

Vestibular rehabilitation, that is, balance physical therapy, is a treatment method that aims to reduce the person's complaints of imbalance with various exercises under the guidance of a therapist.

It is a computer-based, innovative, comprehensive rehabilitation system used for exercise purposes. While providing an active education and rehabilitation process through games, it helps patients not to lose their motivation in the rehabilitation process. The system creates a feedback loop between the patient and the therapist doing the rehabilitation exercises. Simultaneously, the therapist can monitor the patient's performance and adjust the play parameters appropriate to the recovery needs. It offers many therapeutic approaches to all areas of rehabilitation.

Clinical pilates is quite different from other pilates types and it is the one that will create the most different effect. The biggest reason for this is that clinical pilates is performed with physiotherapists and can be used instead of physiotherapy.

We use it an average of 2000 times a day while eating, talking, breathing and sucking. On average, 34% of people experience jaw pain or problems at least once in their life.

Recovery is a very important concept for athletes and means recovery and recovery. Recovery is considered a versatile (physiological, psychological) reparative process. In case of deterioration of the biopsychosocial balance of the individual by external or internal factors, fatigue develops due to physical and mental effort. Fatigue can be eliminated with recovery, and organism balance is regained at physiological and psychological level. In addition, recovery strategies reduce the risk of injury and improve performance. For this, personal recovery strategies are developed and inputs are provided to the body in line with the needs.

Smile with health!

Regain your health with treatments specially planned according to your personal needs.

Innovative, technological and personalized exercise plans are what sets FizyoSmile physiotherapy consultancy apart from others. An expert physiotherapist and related clinical staff provide you with an exceptional healthcare experience.

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